Made selling my parent’s home effortless

Made selling my parent’s home effortless

Made selling my parent’s home effortless

Melissa Stevenson made selling my parent's home effortless. She is very understanding and knowledgeable. Melissa took the time to explain the process and helped me navigate through the financial process.
Melissa Stevenson
Melissa Stevenson made selling my parent's home effortless. She is very understanding and knowledgeable. Melissa took the time to explain the process and helped me navigate through the financial process.


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We were so impressed with Melissa when she helped us find our new home. We knew that she would be the best choice for selling our home as well.  Melissa provided outstanding service during our sale. Melissa is an absolute true professional!

Laura and Jim Tessem Peoria, IL January 28, 2020

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Made selling my parent’s home effortless Made selling my parent’s home effortless Melissa Stevenson made selling my parent’s home effortless. She is very understanding and knowledgeable. Melissa took the time to explain the process and helped me navigate through the financial process. Melissa Stevenson 2022-08-05T11:29:23-05:00 Melissa Stevenson made selling my parent’s home effortless. She is…

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